Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Heart That Beats for a Dream

by , Jan 2, 2009
A secret longing for a stranger that haunts the mind.
I am seeking something that is not
within my grasps; nor does it present itself
in the dawn of the day but, in the darknessof closed eyelids.
A longing for a soul engulfed heart
a passion that only exists in the dreams
of enraptured lovers and fairy tales oflost loves.
For this day there is a vision, a question
of what will be when the path has
ended and the direction has led to
the dirt in the desert.
The love this soul will seek may be
found in the hole of ancient history
a blood boiling love that stretch’s the sea
that shall remain until the heart beats no more.

Read more from Lauren at http://www.triond.com/users/Lauren+Axelrod

1 comment:

  1. Haunting fairy tales
    encapsulates warm lips,
    whispers devotion
    into my ears.

    Reaching in,
    fingering the bones of my spine


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